Fiction: The Amazon Burn

Fiction: The Amazon Burn

Twenty years ago from today, the Amazon Rain Forest was set on fire. What was left was burned to the ground in hopes of more farmland for the shrinking South American Continent. The birds and animals, what were left, died when the fire started. It was as if their...
Nothing Profound Here

Nothing Profound Here

I like to write. I like words, and I like thought exploration. I am an introvert, so daily processing is a must for my sanity. As such, writing serves as a useful tool for something I can do by myself to process, as I’ve said before, all those daily inputs in...
Allergic Reactions

Allergic Reactions

It started with a phone call. My husband calling down stairs as he noticed the hives all over Levi’s body. It ended with a trip to the  ER in Lansing. Levi had another allergic reaction. This time it was to strawberries, whereas last week was simply doctor...
Worst Job. Ever.

Worst Job. Ever.

At our steering committee meeting one Tuesday, I offered the ice breaker of “What was your worst job ever?” Many listed restaurants. Only one was a professional career, and one restaurant job was a family business which made things awkward. I picked a...