

I am the most flexible person in my family. That is, I am the one who is generally most willing to roll with the punches, adjust and adapt as necessary, and generally find a silver lining to any cloud. But, with all the change over the last few years – me, the...
More Technical Difficulties

More Technical Difficulties

Even more technical difficulties. Upgraded to WordPress 3.1, and I’m getting errors. I did follow the instructions, so not really sure what’s going on. I’d rather go read Robert Crais’ latest (The Sentry) instead of troubleshooting something I...
More Technical Difficulties

It’s My Birthday

It is. For another hour and 47 minutes from the start of this blog post. What else is there to say? I’ve had more birthday celebrations and happy birthday wishes this entire month than I can recall from – well – ever. So, when asked, was today a good...


Fwop. Hmmm. Skurrrrch. Kurch. Fwop. Hmmm. Skurrrrch. Kurch. Fwop. I grab another handful of flour and dust my hands. I pat the doughy lump, and a spattering of flour lifts. It has a dry, hollow, dusty sound. I put my hands under the doughy lump, and I bring it...