Vacation Day 4

And, this brings us to the close of our vacation. A slow morning, in an upgraded “apartment”, checking out, then wandering the beach. We drove up ORS 18, a road we rarely travel, until we got to the crowded metro roads and eventually back home. It’s...

Vacation Day 3

Well, spotty internet connections precluded me from doing my daily post last night. So, here we go today. Yesterday’s adventures found us winding up from North Bend, through Florence to Newport, Oregon. Then, we eventually stopped just south of Lincoln City for...

Vacation Day 2

Egads! I completely missed a handful of pictures from yesterday – namely, the beginning of our trip which began at Coco’s Doughnuts. So, here’s a glimpse at Day 2, where we sped through the Redwoods, and then realized our catastrophic mistake –...

Vacation Day 1

Well, the anticipated three week vacation was crushed with the reality of plane ticket prices. Sadly, the “cheap” tickets are only available when we (or I) cannot (or am not willing to) go. So, we improvised. Here’s a (few) snapshot(s) of day...