A word about bleach

A word about bleach

I began this post on August 10, 2008, where I had recently posted a few items regarding cleaning: general house cleaning and whiter laundry. It seems that quite a few people are trying to find ways to make their whites whiter. As I look at the search terms, I noticed...
Living on Credit

Living on Credit

Budget, budget, budget – crisis. It seems, today, everywhere you look, everyone is suffering from a budget crisis. Business, non-profits, families, single people, countries. What I found most interesting about this concept, right now, is the emotional stress it...
Living on Credit

A Food Revolution

Image by alexis22578 via Flickr The Organic Elite Surrenders To Monsanto: What Now? Now what indeed. I have so many thoughts on this subject, it’s difficult to put into words. This is why I write (blog). To make sense of the senseless. I co-coordinate a food...