On the reading list

On the reading list

Rereading Strengths Based Leadership, skimming through why it’s important to lead with trust, compassion, stability, and hope. This was recommended by a former co-worker. I’m about half way through Wire to Wire a novel by a board member with my paying...
On the reading list

The Sounds I Hear

The glass door is open maybe three inches. It is a dull roar, punctuated by the clear sound of crashing waves onto the flat beach. The heater behind me adjusts. My husband rolls over in bed. Levi is silent. We are at the beach. Related articles The Magic Closet...
The Magic Closet

The Magic Closet

Our open house, for work, was tonight. We had about 200 people come and go in the three and a half hour block. It was a grand time. People visited, ate, and drank. And, people needed to store their coats. We have a coat closet in our new space. Yea! It’s not...
Levi Turned Five

Levi Turned Five

Today, Levi had his fifth birthday party. Yesterday, it was really his birthday. Although, all day yesterday, Levi declared that he would not turn five until his party. And, today was his party. I planned, since last year, to have a place-based party. That is, a place...
Ear Buds

Ear Buds

I don’t know anyone who dislikes music. I only know people who like music in varying degrees on the musical spectrum. I enjoy music. I concentrate better with music (sometimes). I listen to music improve my mood if I’m grouchy. I listen to music to calm me...