4 Points to Vote Your Values

4 Points to Vote Your Values

I ranted recently on Instagram and other places about the things going on in the world and, specifically, addressing the Israel-Palestine struggle. I keep reflecting that A LOT is going on right now. Looking at a few different “conflict trackers” assess conflicts, there are over 27 countries experiencing conflict with well over 100 armed conflicts worldwide.

Crowdsource Our Candidates

Crowdsource Our Candidates

Do you know who you will vote for in the midterm elections? The voter pamphlet will come out next week if you are in Oregon. Let’s get a jump on our candidates, the issues, and the various stances on the subjects.  Help me fill out this Google Sheet of Oregon...
Election Review

Election Review

I first voted in 1996. For the 2000 election, I wanted to create a chart that described the candidates, so there was an easy comparison. At the time AOL Time Warner had done one that was pretty good, along with a few others. (Must’ve been a collective...