by Michelle Lasley | Dec 20, 2023 | Blogging Before SEO, The Balancing Act, The Green Life
The Wheel of the Year is a cyclical and seasonal calendar. It marks the changing of seasons and incorporates festivals, or Sabbats, celebrating various aspects of nature, life, and spirituality.
by Michelle Lasley | Jul 27, 2018 | Blogging Before SEO, The Balancing Act
I first voted in 1996. For the 2000 election, I wanted to create a chart that described the candidates, so there was an easy comparison. At the time AOL Time Warner had done one that was pretty good, along with a few others. (Must’ve been a collective...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 9, 2018 | Blogging Before SEO, Outside the Home, The Balancing Act, The Green Life
Go green. Sustainability. Stable state system. Equitable. Environmentally friendly. So many buzz words, what does it all mean? It means our world is aching, we have sores all over the place, and we are crying for healing. I believe for that healing to work, we must...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 4, 2018 | Blogging Before SEO, In the Home, Outside the Home, The Balancing Act, The Green Life
Sustainability has been important to me as long as I can remember. I started the journey when I was young, with a book my Aunt sent my family: 50 Ways You Can Save the Planet. Until then, I had no idea the planet needed saving. Since, I’ve paired down that focusing on...
by Michelle Lasley | Sep 6, 2016 | Blogging Before SEO
I wrote this post five years and one month ago. A post about things on my mind that I wanted to acknowledge but didn’t want all out there, in the inter webs. Although five years have gone by, some of those same worries remain. There is at least one difference....