by Michelle Lasley | May 6, 2012 | Blogging Before SEO, Family, Food, The Green Life
Okay narcissistic rants aside – I do enjoy writing every day. As the (over written?) introvert, I do better when I can process. Writing allows me to process. But, what to process? The never-ending balancing act and working towards my deemed purpose. I want to...
by Michelle Lasley | Aug 9, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Family
It was my first week at Michigan State University, during one of those new rounds of introductions, when I realized two things: 1) Michigan has a lot of small towns, and 2) half the MSU population came from the Detroit area. Part and parcel with revelation #1 was that...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 25, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Health, The Green Life
It was the year 2000. I was chatting with my favorite professor (or soon to be) after the MSU class. We did this occasionally. Since, I love idea swapping and learning all that I can, and my friend enjoyed sharing all the various things he knows, it was a good...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 22, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO
One of my first jobs was at Michigan State University in the computer labs. Working as a Lab Monitor Service Provider. I was eventually promoted to a Lead Lab Service tech-person. I have many years experience in a multi-platform computer lab. Yea. I have Windows, Mac,...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 9, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Family, Parenting
Image by alexis22578 via Flickr This too shall pass. This phrase is one of my favorite. Why? Simply because it’s true. It doesn’t matter what is happening at any given moment at any time at any event: This too shall pass. Good, bad, horrible, indifferent,...