by Michelle Lasley | Dec 20, 2010 | Family, Food, Parenting, The Green Life
A what? I haven’t really blogged about it. It’s central to my life. It’s been important to me for several years. And, still I haven’t written about it. My family knows. My friends know. My new friends all know that I am in a food club. So, what...
by Michelle Lasley | Nov 1, 2008 | Blogging Before SEO, In the Home, The Green Guide, The Green Life
Rubbing alcohol on cloths will disinfect most surfaces and costs much less than Mr. Clean wipes. You can clean windows with vinegar in a spray bottle, then wipe clear with a dry newspaper. Clean bottoms of iodized copper pots with sprinkled on salt and ½ a lemon. This...
by Michelle Lasley | Oct 1, 2008 | In the Home, The Green Life
Here, in the fertile Willamette Valley, we are spoiled by great harvests. A question that seems to interest people, especially in the summer time is, “Where can I go to get good, local (and organic) fruits and vegetables (food)?” My family, in particular,...
by Michelle Lasley | Sep 1, 2008 | The Green Life
When shopping for food, it’s important to remember that buying local is actually better than buying organic. “Why?” you may ask. Well, I’ll tell you why. It’s more evident now with rising gas costs, but one reason for buying local is to...
by Michelle Lasley | Aug 1, 2008 | In the Home, The Green Guide, The Green Life
Water Use It Wisely Homepage. 2008. For a start, we took the family-water audit test offered here, to see how good we were at saving water. We flunked. If you’re like us, you may want to see what this site offers: over 100 tips on...