by Michelle Lasley | Jun 30, 2013 | Blogging Before SEO, The Green Life
Recently, I had the opportunity to meet a local gal who is doing her own part to save the world. Aimee Fahey, local recruiter and blogger extraordinaire, has a series she does where she interviews those who enter her circle. Some she has known for some time. Some, she...
by Michelle Lasley | Jun 30, 2013 | Blogging Before SEO, The Green Life
One good, tangible measure of sustainability is the triple bottom line. The idea that we find ways to and enact on measuring equity (people), environment (place), and economics (profit) in equilibrium. We take each, and if one is failing – if we don’t make...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 21, 2013 | Blogging Before SEO, Family
Today, my coworkers and I hauled away blackberry brambles and covered new plants with straw.
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 31, 2012 | Family, Food, The Green Life
Climate change is happening. We can attempt to deny it. We can go along with the conflict among politicians and in the newspapers. We can close our eyes to it. We can say “weather is weather” when we look at a balmy January day when it should be 20 below....
by Michelle Lasley | Mar 28, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Health
I began this post on August 10, 2008, where I had recently posted a few items regarding cleaning: general house cleaning and whiter laundry. It seems that quite a few people are trying to find ways to make their whites whiter. As I look at the search terms, I noticed...