Renewed Whole 30
Two full Whole 30 plans. The rest of the year was a loose 80/20 following, lowering our grain input, but not saying “no” to prohibited foods like Oreos when cravings arose. What does this mean? When we focused on eating right, managing stress, and getting...Lunch

Reading Photos
Photos [flickrslideshow acct_name=”alexis22578″ id=”72157627551868896″] Reading Michael Ruhlman America: Too Stupid to Cook America: Too Stupid to Cook, Part II The No Nitrate Debate Michael Pollan Omnivore’s Dilemma Pondering Scientific...Packaged Dinners
If you’re in the City of Portland, take the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability Survey. You have until August 29th. Tell them they are going in the wrong direction with many of their ideas, especially in regards to CSAs & Buying Clubs. They claim the purpose is to expand access, but all they are offering is restrictions. How do restrictions really expand access? http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/index.cfm?c=53834