by Michelle Lasley | Feb 11, 2012 | Blogging Before SEO, Family
Today, Levi had his fifth birthday party. Yesterday, it was really his birthday. Although, all day yesterday, Levi declared that he would not turn five until his party. And, today was his party. I planned, since last year, to have a place-based party. That is, a place...
by Michelle Lasley | Mar 27, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Family, Parenting, The Green Life
I blamed the frequent night-time urination for the reason we stopped using cloth diapers. But, in retrospect, I think it might have been the poop. I hate poop. Let me repeat myself. I H.A.T.E POOP! Hate it. Really really hate it. If it’s dried out in a bag...
by Michelle Lasley | Feb 20, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Family
I asked, “How long have you been together now?” She answered, “Mmm… About a year and half.” I thought, but didn’t say, “Wow, that’s a long time.” My grandparents have been together more than 60 years. My parents...
by Michelle Lasley | Jan 16, 2011 | Family, Parenting
Image by alexis22578 via Flickr Some aspects of parenting feature “Duh” moments. Sometimes regularly. I can’t believe what a learning curve this is, and how amazing it is to watch, every day. Sorry, terrible twos don’t exist, but terrible...