by Michelle Lasley | Mar 27, 2011 | Blogging Before SEO, Family, Parenting, The Green Life
I blamed the frequent night-time urination for the reason we stopped using cloth diapers. But, in retrospect, I think it might have been the poop. I hate poop. Let me repeat myself. I H.A.T.E POOP! Hate it. Really really hate it. If it’s dried out in a bag...
by Michelle Lasley | Dec 20, 2010 | Family, Food, Parenting, The Green Life
A what? I haven’t really blogged about it. It’s central to my life. It’s been important to me for several years. And, still I haven’t written about it. My family knows. My friends know. My new friends all know that I am in a food club. So, what...
by Michelle Lasley | Oct 20, 2010 | Family, Parenting
Levi, you have to share. LEVI, you have to share. Levi, please give a toy to the little girl. Levi, if you and Elliott cannot share, the toy is going to go away. You have to SHARE. Sharing. Sometimes, a several times a day lesson. Sharing. Something that as adults we...
by Michelle Lasley | Oct 18, 2010 | Family, Parenting
A few people I know told me they tried them, but they didn’t work. After they told me how they used time outs, I didn’t hear where the consistency was in place. So, I would like to go through the steps we use as adopted from the aforementioned Ms. Jo...
by Michelle Lasley | Aug 30, 2010 | Family, Parenting
Rousseau complained in his First Discourse how, in the wake of the Industrial Revolution, we relied too much on specialists to answer our problems and too little on our own reasoning. He complained that we have Mathematicians, and Scientists, and Chemists to solve our...