Introduction to Episode
Suzanne Carpenter shares her story of overcoming the shame monster of emotional eating, and now she teaches you to do the same thing.
Podcast Episode Summary
Michigan State University graduate, Suzanne Carpenter, joined me so we could discuss food. Suzanne shares her story of emotional eating and with an eating disorder, through her moment of change, and now on the other side where she teaches people how to have a healthy relationship with the food on their plate.
Suzanne shares snippets of how “outrunning the fork” doesn’t usually work, and it’s not a sustainable strategy. She breaks down that exercise is not weight loss, rather a key to health living. But, what we really need? We need to eat in the proportions that work for us.
- You have to want to change
- Understand protein, fat, and fiber
- Understand your pattern of eating
- Understand the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger
- Drink 3L of water per day
- Today is a great day to start
Recommended Resources
Visit Sur at her website or her Facebook Group. On her website, you’ll find access to her SOS text messages, her fiber list, and so much more.
For more information about Michelle, Balance Shared, events, and projects, please visit
Michelle Lasley 0:02
Hi. This is Michelle Lasley with balanced shared a space where I truly believe we are better together.
My guest today is Suzanne carpenter. She uses the pronouns she her hers. Suzanne is an approachable, sincere, fun loving and passionate leader who loves to see personal improvement and transformation. And though she teaches through her successful 10 year nutrition career, Suzanne saw a gap in the industry and a trend in society, Americans more confused and overwhelmed than ever, when it comes to actually losing weight and keeping off. So she created a virtual nutrition education company called Carpenter 180, whose mission is to provide affordable and simple programs that can clear up food confusion, so that people can win at losing weight. Suzanne is a certified nutritional consultant, the CEO and founder of Carpenter 180, as well as the creator of s. o. s. Sue's on your shoulder, baby set my plate and the food peace University, three different virtual bite sized nutrition courses, and they were designed to teach you what you need to know, to create sustainable results. Thank you so much for joining me today. Oh, Michelle, it's
Suzanne Carpenter 1:16
my pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Michelle Lasley 1:19
You are welcome. So you like to talk about food?
Suzanne Carpenter 1:24
I do. I do. Why? Why? Well, you know, I think it's, it's been the thing that has always hold on me my whole life. So what what you can't see right now is I'm six foot two. And I have been tall, most of my life. So I go into middle school even. And I was probably nearing six feet. I think at a young age, I started trying to fit into a box. And since I could not with my height I was so outside the box, it became a gone battle with food of Could I keep my my body in, in check to fit in a box in a different way. And it was always this elusive subject I was unsuccessful with for years. At one point before I ever had kids, I bounced up the 226 pounds. And that was in the throes of an eating disorder where I would binge or I would restrict restrict restrict only to been wasn't more mean. And so in that time, I had a different obsession with food, I thought about food all the time I feared it. And then as life has it, it throws curveballs that led me into finally understanding it. And I just want people to know it's not about what pant size you're wearing. And it's not about vanity, but it is truly about standing food to find food peace. So that you are so empowered you like how you look and feel that you go out and you create this life, where you're dynamic, and you're bold, and you're competent, and you don't feel like the underdog. And just it's food was the thing that kept me from living my best life. It kept me held back.
Michelle Lasley 3:10
so fascinating. And this happens a lot. And I think in our society, I know at least I read about how media impacts girls. And how how that can lead to misperceptions about what our images should be and all these different things. So I'm curious if we could step back for a minute. If you could envision a world where people didn't have issues, if you well with food, what would that look like?
Suzanne Carpenter 3:43
You know, I have this mind this mind. Where especially with women, there's a lot more authentic, showing up with less fear with less reservation and holding back like this a little bit. The reason we're comparing especially women, especially that to to mostly we compare and that social media feeds this because it's really, it's more of a primal thing. And when I understood this is unlocked one of the many doors I needed to unlock. Because back when we were in the Paleolithic tie time, the men would go hunt, and the women would stay back in the cave around the fire, baking the food little we were gathered. We needed to fit into our pack, we needed to conform into the pack for survival and stay in the norm. If you conform in, you could be kicked out of the pack and you likely want to survive. There's a lot of that in that really primal place about women, looking to others for comparison to see how I measure up. Am I safe, am I going to stay in the pack? That's where a lot of it, maybe not even at a cognitive level. That's where a lot of it starts.
Michelle Lasley 5:00
so fascinating. So when you think of like, then just going back to that vision of what that would look like, can you paint a picture of what it would look like? What if we didn't feel the need maybe to conform to the pack?
Suzanne Carpenter 5:13
Well, my picture is like a feeling picture in colors, we're gonna have all different shapes and sizes, there's not going to be one. It's, it's kind of like anything goes, the uniform feeling is are you healthy? Do you have energy to do you and what your life requires of you, but there's not a one size, one look is considered better or more preferred than the other, it's your body is allowed to show up the way that it's supposed to. It's just I, I can see in the eyes of people. I'm not enough, I'm not good enough. I don't measure up I'm, I feel inferior to I feel less than I feel like an underdog, I want to play a part of erasing that emotional part. And if I can make them easier, so that we get a real level emotional playing field,
we're going to do some really great things because I know a lot of incredible women, that their self image holds them trapped. And they have no business being trapped because they're powerful. And they have this voice and they have this thing that they're supposed to be doing. But that one thing that keeps them from doing it, and it's robbing the world of what it means.
Michelle Lasley 6:31
d still be hard for me to get:Suzanne Carpenter 8:16
Well, I think that that is knowing your body like you should be able to. Really Okay, let's talk about physical hunger and emotional hunger. And then you can decide if you're because there's so physical hunger is like when you're sitting at your desk, and you actually hear your belly growl, or you can feel the nine feeling this this actually kind of cool science. The reason you can hear your belly growing is because there's no food in it to buffer. That means right probably time to eat. Okay, that's one way you can know probably time to eat. Now, the other one is, let's say you just came home, and you were thinking about our grass and it's going to rain later you were thinking those things and all of a sudden, you need peanut butter, like came on like a light switch. That's emotional hunger. Maybe there's something underneath that, like you just walked in the door and you the to do list ran through your brain or you have something you need to do later in the day. That's a little uncomfortable. And suddenly your body went, hey, hey, hey, I'm going to keep you safe from feeling uncomfortable. Let's go get some peanut butter that's going to make you feel safer. Right now. It's going to switch your brains doing that's emotional hunger. So if we can tap into a motor comes on really, really fast. Often it's soon after a meal that you've just eaten. physical hunger is your belly is growing. As for what they eat, that's, that's a little bit subjective, based off of what are their goals? Are they wanting to have great energy through the day, and they're, they're at a they don't ever think about the number on the scale. Like that's just not a thing. So if they're eating food that fuels them, and they're feeling good, we're winning. Now, the thing is Two out of three Americans are overweight, one out of three is obese. The problem is not the vanity, it's that oftentimes every 10 pounds is a layer of pain that we're avoiding. And oftentimes, overweight leads to mental health problems that are very expensive to reverse, for instance, heart disease, or hypertension, or diabetes, or inflammation in the body that leads to gi distress or autoimmune responses. So, again, it's it's about are we eating
Michelle Lasley:the service and let us serve the world? Oh, that's so fascinating. Okay. So the reason I wanted to go with enough energy was I was hoping we could like just get like a guidepost of like, if somebody is generally feeling okay, and so we'll table that for a second, I want to go back to this emotional versus physical hunger because I thought that was really great description. So I ate my breakfast about two hours ago at this point. And right now I'm feeling a slight knowing in my tummy, like, I'm going to start to get hungry soon. And so so that is probably what you would describe that as the very physical. It's my belly is not growing yet. But it's starting to, you know, it's not a pain. I'm evolved other we call it a hunger pain, but I'm not in pain, right. So that that's what you would call physical hunger, I would assume.
Suzanne Carpenter:Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so just depending on how big your breakfast was, or what it was comprised with is how long, you'll probably go easily without starting to have blood sugar spike and crash and sustained energy.
Michelle Lasley:Right. And so then the emotional hunger, and I just want to go back to that again. So for me, it's usually around nine o'clock at night, and I want Yes, at night, very specifically at night. And all day long. Because like, I like to make my green smoothies right now. We eat more, kind of whole 30. but not always, because I do have egg noodles and things you know, and we've worked on different things over the years. But so I might have had like, a really great, mostly salad with some meat burrito kind of thing for dinner. And maybe I had my green smoothie and some vegetables and things. And so on one vein, you could say he ate really well throughout the day, right? But then nine o'clock hits. And all I want is chocolate.
Suzanne Carpenter:Yes.
Michelle Lasley:Not hungry. At all. Physically hungry?
Suzanne Carpenter:Well, a couple things. One, your body's probably telling you it's time. And it wants energy because it's tired. And it knows if you give it chocolate, it's quick energy because it's a carbohydrate, it'll fast it'll give you energies. So probably that late in the night snack, if you've eaten enough calories for the day, your body's just tired. And that's why people start snacking, because your brain isn't any new for energy. Another thing is, did you know that your willpower is at its highest in the morning, it's the lowest at nighttime, your metabolism is at its highest in the morning, it's slowest at nighttime. So I for years when I was in my poor eating cycle, I will solve all day, because I've made these food rules. And I thought, I'm going to really keep these cash flow. But then my lizard brain that the one that doesn't respond, takes over the day I would eat these calories. Well here, my metabolism is low, my willpower is very low, and I'm tired. My body really just wants to go to bed. And I didn't have enough calories. One of the scariest things that I had to do was, I had to first realize that my way wasn't working to be willing to try something different. That took a while that takes a while to Brilli accept mine's not getting me where I want to go. It doesn't seem like somebody else's way should work. But maybe I need to give it a try. That took me a while to cross that bridge. But when I did, I was willing to start eating food during the day, breakfast, lunch, bridge snack and dinner bridge snack to ruin my dinner. And what I found is my body was fed and fueled during the day. And those cravings that I did not have the willpower to battle suddenly went down. Because I had the hole in me my body was not taking over. That takes a while for that to make sense.
Michelle Lasley:Oh my gosh, that's so fascinating. And you have tools for that which we mentioned at the beginning and then we'll definitely link out to all of that. I want to take a quick break. And when we come back I want to know how you learned all this stuff. Sure. I love aligning my days with nature's rhythms, and I made a tool to make it easier. I would like to introduce you to my moon deck. My moon deck is a perpetual calendar, a calendar that never expires. This 86 card deck with booklet will allow you to lay out your day, week or month and overlay the sun and the moon with the elements and the celebrations from the Wheel of the Year. This tool drawn and created by me Michelle Lasley will be your fun, whimsical and practical tool to see how nature and its rhythms can support you. If you want to learn more, and get your own deck today, visit www dot Michelle slash moon deck. I cannot wait to help you align your time with nature with my perpetual calendar, the moon deck. Welcome back. So when I chat with people, I'm really always really fascinated like how they decided to amass the knowledge they got. And so I'm curious if you could touch on a little bit like you mentioned, you know, you recognized not great eating habits with food. And you've shared with me before that you wanted to model a better relationship with that for your own kids. And I'm really curious, like so then. So then how did you get all this knowledge?
Suzanne Carpenter:You know, you think like I do I love the origin stories to have, how did you get to write here? So in a nutshell, when I when I graduated from Michigan State University, I started out teaching first grade and I picked up this, I just had this knack where I could always take complex science and explain it in a way that a first grader could understand it. And I think it comes from those years of that training. Okay, so here I am in the throes of this eating disorder that I need to say, was my greatest shame. And it kept me in I picture like a dog cage. I wanted out so badly. I was in this tight little cage. But I didn't know how to unlatch it. But my way was the only way I knew. So that's why I would start reading about nutrition. But I wasn't reading the right sources. A lot of it at that time was magazines. I'm doing the best that I can just to maintain my weight. Now, like I said, at one point, I weighed 226 pounds, I got down to about 130 pounds by starving myself. And yeah, so and then I learned that I could exercise as a way to outrun my fork. Now that does not work. I don't want anyone being triggered here thinking that this is the way to do it. It's a path to misery. ie tired, shaky, hungry all the time. So I was looking for I was looking for help, or I wanted to know, so scared to say what I was doing to myself out loud. I did not tell anybody. So for the people that are listening, going, that's me. I know that fear because we make this into a great big shame monster in it. It had a grip on me. So here's the answer to your question I was asked. You say you would die for your kids, but we inch for them. And I have two girls and two boys. And I thought if I don't get this eating disorder under control and get this self talk under control, my girls are going to do the same thing as me. And I could not stand the idea that they look into me talk to like I was I would never let them hear somebody speak to me the way I spoke to myself. And I sure would never speak to them that way. And that question suddenly made my way seem very illogical. And it made me willing. And this is for the listeners that are in the shame trap that I was in, made me willing to talk to myself about it because like I said, I hid this from everyone, no one knew. And then I journaled about it. And then I reached out to dietitians and therapists and counselors. I told the first person who was something I was paying a counselor because I figured that relationship wasn't that expensive. I was afraid if I told my secret that I'd be so unlovable and unlikable, I lose relationships that I had worked so hard to have, because I was fighting insecurity, the underdog. I'm not enough. I'm not worthy. I was trying to measure up. I mean, that was the root of a lot of what I was going through. So in sitting with the right dieticians and sitting with people who could turn my nose towards science, that's where I mean I just, it's one of those things that I can just read it and learn it and know it. It's just a sweet spot for me. And when I finally got to the principles that are not hard, that we just need protein, fat and fiber plate five versus zero calorie Petro carbohydrates. So we're getting carbs, which are the energy. But if we focus on the fiber, it'll rev your metabolism keep you full for hours help assure extra calories, fats and toxins out of the body. It has so many health properties that I could address. But I saw that it was going to burn a lot of calories wouldn't have to outrun me more with exercise, I saw that I could put fiber on my plate and balance my blood sugar and turn off hungry hormones, and I wasn't going to be battling the pantry. And then when I understood the exercise was part of the Healthy Living equation, but not part of weight loss equation. It's part of healthy living, and I have a huge platform for it. But it is not part of the weight loss. Once I separated those things, I began to create a pattern of eating that I saw that I could do when I was at. And I never Michelle plan to tell the story. But then what happened is that messy message I had, I was so glad to get out of the cage and to lay off the shame. And I feel like I walk in the light and the sunshine, I'm so glad to have my voice and to be able to pour into others, I couldn't hold it back. Because it's not so hard. When done correctly, you just need the right teacher to carve out the noise. And that's what I've worked to do.
Michelle Lasley:Oh, that's so beautiful. So you've been able to see the light, if you will, I'm in part in any any pens or anything. And and now you're really inspired to share this. And I have a couple friends who are really good at explaining science to those of us like me, who don't easily understand it. So that gift is so crucial, especially when it comes to food. We have so much food stuff. So one of the things that I love is that we both grew up in Michigan. And I come from a Polish Catholic family. So I remember cabbage rolls and and my grandmother wasn't polish. But she had to she learned to cook in the traditional foods that my grandfather liked. And so I do remember cabbage rolls and they lived on a farm and that garden and so canned green beans and pickled beets. And you know the cows that we ate were from from that space and so much homemade bread. And every time if we got to grandma's house around three o'clock, there was always like cookies on the, like fresh baked cookies, right that she had just made and she had a was a garbage pail It was one of those metal garbage cans. And that was what she stored her flour and had the sifter in there. And but it was, you know, as a container that was large enough that could fit easily 50 pounds of flour, right? And so that's that's like one spot of remembering of growing up. And then I go my mother. So pendulum swing, she doesn't like to cook. And for a long time she was a single mom and had to work and would come home and be tired. And so talk about emotional motional drain right? All the pressure and everything. And so for many of my growing up years, I remember eating so much Hamburger Helper, so much two and a helper so much mac and cheese, endless peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Lucky Charms. Certainly No, my kid has never had Lucky Charms on lucky charms. And anyway, so I guess I'm bringing those two sort of examples because we have a lot of ways that we can eat food. I mentioned you know, I live in Portland, Oregon. So we're like one of these great places. I'd love to try new foods, paleo whole 30 gluten free, the gaps diet. I mean, the list goes on. So how how do you help people define you were talking about nutrition? You said protein, fiber and fat. So is that like the base of what you go to help establish energy? And then like where do you go from there to help people figure out nutrition for their body? Because I would imagine it's a little different depending on the body. You mentioned like my husband, right? He's you know, six to I'm five, two. I'm a little round. He's not. Right, we have different needs.
Suzanne Carpenter:That's very true. So first off, all food with the exception of alcohol breaks down into one of three categories. A protein of fat or carbohydrate. All food does.
Michelle Lasley:So apples, my sausages anything?
Suzanne Carpenter:Yeah, yeah. Okay, all of it. So then our bodies need all three of those different macronutrients because they have essential nutrients within them. And it just is part of our function. So what's happened in America especially is food is omnipresent. And portion sizes are crazy. I want to say that food is neither good nor bad. It's just food eaten in excess, especially carbs eaten in excess is what leads to body fat for those of those that are looking for weight loss, and that's usually who I'm speaking to. So what do we look to do is create a pattern of eating, that somebody can do now that they see themselves doing when they're 80. Because if we have not adopted a pattern of eating, that has longevity, we haven't gotten there. If you have to do something to lose weight, like say, Take out your favorite food. Take out alcohol, if you want to have a glass of wine at night, if you take out chocolate to lose weight, when you get to the end of that goal as our new reintroduce that thing you love, you're gonna gain the weight back and we don't want to do the yo yo dieting, we want to get the weight off, and then maintain the weight for the rest of your life. So what I look to do in the very beginning, is teach protein, fat and fiber educate, literally educate. So I made this program called SOS or Suzanne, your shoulder. These are two to three minute sound bites that come to the text message of your phone, one message a day. And it's meant to just teach you in the right sequence what you need to know, in the beginning start with what is a protein? What is a fat? What is a fiber? Where do you begin to find them, it builds out from really basic place, like get the right groceries in the house. And let's get a space for you in the fridge. And in the pantry. What I've worked through, I've already feel like I've started to say a lot, you know that feeling when you've studied for a big exam, or a test, and you've got all the books on your desk and you're overwhelmed before the test. Like, I don't know what I need to know, it's so much you know that feeling like, Uh huh, it's overwhelming. And then you go take the test and you swear, you can feel the information leaking out of your ears. As soon as the test is done. Like it's meaning nutrition feels like that to so many people. It's not that important of a subject to go through x books to learn what the truth is, it's too much, it's too overwhelming to go back to that feeling. Likewise, if I sat here for an hour and camped out on nutrition, most people are gonna remember one thing that tugged on their heart. And it's probably going to be the fact that I used to have an eating disorder, I'm still recovering, I will be the day I die. And I changed because I wanted to do right by my daughters, that'll be the thing they remember. So I built out a program that works with teaching. Like, here's what you need to know, the same way. And once I begin to educate and people begin to just apply, like the first weeks, they start sleeping better energy better, their stomach is flat, or they're noticing that they are having the blood sugar spike and crash and you genuinely are starting to feel good. And so many people feel bad I know about that is that when we start to go past education, then you get an coward. And you can start to understand how to order in a restaurant, and what foods to buy at the grocery store what foods to put on your plate. So that you can balance blood sugar and burn fat for fuel. And then once you're empowered, then it goes on to being inspired. And this is where the magic happens. That's where the person that's fun that's gotten these fundamental principles is teaching their children or their neighbor or their best friend. And it's not woo woo food stuff. It's the basics of what we really should have been taught when we were young.
Michelle Lasley:Oh, I love all of that. Okay, so some of the things that I've heard is that how so. So having the nutritional understanding is great. But if we don't get to the emotional roots, of why we are emotionally eating, that sometimes what we're going to do isn't just, it's not going to get resolved. Because we have to, we have to dig deeper, if you could just expand on that a little bit, I think that would be really, really great. This
Suzanne Carpenter:is really fascinating part because, well, willpower is kind of finite, we only have so much of it, it's like a battery. So we have to get to really discussing the emotional part. And that takes a little bit of time and trust. So normally Michelle, I get permission with people to get to the emotional things, once we've gotten a couple pounds off, you know, because right away, you want to stop the bleeding and you want to start winning. And so once we get to where somebody understands the right portion size of protein for their plate, a little bit of fat, they have their fiber on the plate, they're understanding that fiber is going to keep them full, and then it's going to really kick their metabolism into overdrive. Once we start to get that then we go to the emotional and this is the part that I get so fascinated by we as humans have what's called a feeling spectrum. And now picture your left hand and pretend like you're going to put it on the stove a hot If you couldn't keep it there, that side represents string pain. And we want to get away from it. Now your right hand, but you're putting that on the table. And that's equally something good and happy that you can't sustain, like, say the endorphins from working out. Okay, so this is the feeling spectrum far left the far right, we as humans want to move away from the far left. So when we're feeling emotionally fatigued, overwhelmed, uncertain, stressed, shame, boredom. Oh, I don't know. It could be any number of poor feelings, we will do just about anything to move away from it. Now there's things that we can do that will give you an endorphin rush that society frowns upon, say, excessive drinking, drugs, speeding, stealing, you know any of those things, but those are moving away from the pain. They'll give you an endorphin rush, the one that's acceptable is eating and overeating. Now, like I said before, food is omnipresent. And it's it's the portion sizes are huge. So let's say you have a stressful day at work or relationship goes south and you're feeling sad or stressed, and you want to your body, you start thinking, I'm going to need some Ben and Jerry's or some pretzels. The reason for this is much more biology that you're trying to numb that pain, or you're trying to move away from that pain. And that food while you're eating it will temporarily cover pain, it is your feeling. And you'll focus on the food and the endorphins you get from that. The problem is the food is finite, there's going to come a point where the ice cream is gone, or your bottom of the chip bag. And what happens next is your blood sugar will crash. And it's kind of like the num went away in your pain is still there. But now we also have the feeling of regret, and our stomach hurts. And the blood sugar crash and and plummet, which we all know feels terrible. So emotionally, why are we going to food? What problem is the food temporarily solving? That becomes the question ask when you're not in an emotional spiral. So when I start working with clients, like I'll work with people, one on one will start ahead of time talking about Okay, next time you start, you know, like just standing at the counter munching on cooking? Can you pause and ask yourself why are you bored?
Are you trying to use time to avoid doing an email you don't want to write? Are the kids running around screaming and you can feel just stress and you're trying to just quiet it by eating cookies. That's a normal thing that people do. If we can figure out what pain food is covering up. That is incredibly enlightening. And it's a good question to ask. And it's not one that we're taught to ask ourselves.
Michelle Lasley:No, we are not. Not at all. Oh my gosh. Ah. Okay. I want to dig more into that emotion. But and I am at a loss of a question to ask. So can you peel back I guess another layer to that you really like that one?
Suzanne Carpenter:That's a good one, isn't it?
Michelle Lasley:It is?
Suzanne Carpenter:Well, okay, so emotional eating. But we talk about why we're emotionally eating and going after food. So picture in your mind's eye, a couple of your comfort foods, maybe you're listening to the same thing like what are my foods that I really love to go eat? My bet is that all of them, if not, at least one of them is a food you ate as a child. And the reason you're going to those foods is for most people, their childhood is a symbol of a time where you were cared for. You felt safe, you felt secure. You felt less stress and pressure. And that food is taking you back to a time in your life. That was easier. And that's why returning to comfort food.
Michelle Lasley:It's a white Christmas.
Suzanne Carpenter:Yes, yes. But the problem like think about Christmas, in right up comes January when people get the blast because the lights come down. And you have to face the bills because of all the presents that you bought to have the White Christmas moment. That's the same thing that happens after the comfort food eating or the overeating or the binge eating that happens. The thing we have to do is we have to start with winning the first third of the day, like get that first meal and that's good. That's protein, fat and fiber so your blood sugars balanced, then it's likely that you're because you're balanced blood sugar, you're likely to go into the second third of the day doing a good job like we have to start this thing with baby steps. Suddenly waking up and deciding I'm going to be perfect. Today for the rest of my life is a lot of pressure. This is creating a lifestyle and it is something where we have to fail forward. We have to do it bad perfect. I called the carpentry Carpenter 180 for a reason. carpenters build things that we're building. A lifestyle happens to That's my last name. But 180 because we're making 180 degree turn in most people's lifestyles by beginning to learn how to eat food. And it has to be one intentional decision for good 80 days because takes about 66 days to make a habit we didn't get here overnight, we're not going to get out of here overnight, it's going to take failing forward. And doing it that perfect and learning a lot like way to learn our multiplication facts. We have to practice we have to keep trying. But I know that people on the day they die, do not want to still be struggling with this one thing. And success leaves clues. And it's been successful in some other area of life, whether it is relationship, a business, a skill set with a sport, taking a test, you've applied this discipline and compromise successful in those areas, you can have success in creating something here as well, we just have to pull in the compromising discipline into the food realm as well.
Michelle Lasley:n. I want to plug the January:Suzanne Carpenter:Okay, two things real quick one, drink your water. Just I'm a such a boring mom, get your three liters of water in because water can make you think you're hungry. We need to stay hydrated, huge on that. Second thing is today's a really great day to start. And it can be middle of the day. It doesn't have to be start perfect in the morning. Just get started. Because consistency compounds. consistent action over time yields great results, and you eat an elephant one bite at a time. So we just need to start and when done correctly, you could look up three months from now and feel entirely different. And that's my wish for people so that they don't feel the food stress.
The uncertainty that I'm playing small, I'm an underdog I want to help people get back in control that emotional battlefield that so many of us play in and I know a lot of it is related back to how people feel about themselves.
Michelle Lasley:So awesome. Where can people find you? Okay, so
Suzanne Carpenter:everything is carpenter, o n e eight, zero. So Carpenter 180 you just have to spell the word one, Instagram, Carpenter one at Facebook. And then the website is www Carpenter 180. Calm and they can go seven free days of SOS right at the website. Give it give it a try. See if it's a fit for you. I'm going to instead of like the 17 page grocery list, I've got a simple grocery lists that you can actually use and recipe ideas and snack ideas coming your way just to help get things on track. I love Instagram, though, in the highlights in stories because I can role model how I eat during the day. So you can see it's normal food. It's pretty delicious. My family's in tow. And I just try and leave from the front and show what it's like to do this because it's not hard.
Michelle Lasley:Thank you, Suzanne so much for joining me today and sharing all of your wisdom and breaking it down for us. I'm so grateful. You are here. And it's my pleasure. Thank
Suzanne Carpenter:you for having me. You're welcome.
Michelle Lasley:Balance shared is produced and edited by me Michelle Lasley, the instrumental music grass by Silent Partner is from the YouTube Audio Library. If you've enjoyed today's episode, leave a review, especially on Apple podcasts. If you've loved the messages of CO creating a better future and digging into ourselves, maybe you'd like to become a supporter. Email Hello at Michelle to get your sponsorship guide. Thank you for listening to this podcast. This is Michelle Lasley with bounce shared a space where I truly believe we are better together.
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