Introduction to Episode

Michelle Valenzuela learned how manifesting magic worked at a very young age. Learn how she integrates simple magic with every day.

Podcast Episode Summary

Michelle Valenzuela developed her people managing philosophies while working in retail for nearly twenty years. Michelle developed her love of magic from her family. In both, she inherently sees the overlap of showing up with compassion, vulnerability, hard work, and trusting your intuition. She believes that when you focus on what you want, when you bring positive intention, and when you commit to action, you can manifest whatever you want. 

Michelle shares whimsical and serious stories of how she got to where she is. Her wisdom of how to be in touch with yourself and use the tools around you, is just magic. She shares her love of astrology, crystals, and moon energy in this episode. 

Recommended Resources

Visit Michelle on Instagram, Facebook, Snap Chat, and Pinterest

Join Michelle and Michelle at our full and new moon circles. Visit us each, every Monday, on both Instagram and Facebook (at our respective pages) to get our weekly guides for Moon Magick.

For more information about Michelle, Balance Shared, events, and projects, please visit