Introduction to Episode
In this episode, I break down the Holiday Conversation Guide, which will help you more deeply connect with those people you care about, especially during the holidays.
Podcast Episode Summary
I created the Holiday Conversation Guide to help you have deep conversations with the people you care about. We have been a disservice to ourselves and our own healing journeys by not talking about things like religion, politics, sex, and money. So, let’s talk about them.
If you’re listening to this, I want you to take ownership of holding a safe space for these conversations. In this episode, I break down my Holiday Conversation Guide and go over the four steps you can do to do just that – have safe conversations where you can truly connect with those you love.
(NOTE: I originally intended this episode as a bonus and I changed my mind to have it a stand alone episode in my season.)
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Check out Cheryl’s episode. And, to recap on why sustainability, listen here. And, of course, my first podcast episode is here.
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