Michelle Lasley explains more about the motivations of this podcast, Balance Shared, through the lens of using essential oils in the home. She discusses some basics on how they remove toxins, why you would want a clean home, and added benefits.

Recommended Resources

  • 29 Uses of Vinegar: https://michellelasley.com/2019/11/29-ways-to-use-vinegar-in-your-home/
  • Homemade Weed Killer (with Vinegar): https://michellelasley.com/2008/09/homemade-weed-killer/
  • How can I clean my home naturally? https://michellelasley.com/2008/06/how-can-i-clean-my-home-naturally/
  • Life of Toxicity: https://michellelasley.com/2017/10/life-of-toxicity/

For more information about Michelle, Balance Shared, events, and projects, please visit www.michellelasley.com.

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