We now close another holiday weekend. Three days off, where the work email was also turned off. We had a fairly busy weekend, and unfortunately bread wasn’t made.
First, we had dinner with our friends, and we dined at the local taqueira. Cheap, yummy, Mexican food. Levi even ate a cheese quesidilla! For the rest of the weekend, that’s all he’s wanted for his meals.
“What’s that word again?” he’s asked, completely out of context of any meal conversation. So, it leaves me wondering what the heck he’s talking about. We make our way around to food and food options, and suddenly it becomes clear. The irony of it all is, although eh’s enjoyed these homemade quesidillas – he doesn’t really eat them. He eats maybe half of one-eighth!
Saturday, we found ourselves playing at a park and seeing a play. A friend is getting ready to embark on an exciting adventure. So, she and her fiance put together a tour of the neighborhood to celebrate with loved ones their new adventure. We met them at the park. Levi was able to play for about an hour, and then we headed off to the play.
But, not before one of the party-goers pulled out their remote control cars. (Expensive remote control cars that are also quite fast.)
Next we visited the Northwest Children’s Theater and School to see a wild performance of El Zorrito, The Legend of the Boy Zorro. I told Levi Friday night what our plans were. He didn’t really understand “seeing a play”, so I began to describe the show to him explaining the boy uses a sword. I explained he was kind of like a super hero. Levi was a little concerned about the use of a sword, but then he linked it, “He only uses his sword on bad guys, right?” “Yes! On bad guys!” I exclaimed.
Parts of the show were quite exciting, to the point I’m not sure Levi was ready for it. And, naturally, his body needed to potty just before intermission or the end of the show. Although we missed some parts of the play, we were first in line for the bathroom. And, despite not having cash for the cupcakes, which caused a severe few moments of emotional distress … Levi had a great time. He was absolutely star struck over this Boy Zorro. (“Mom, what’s his name again?”)
Now, on Friday, we experienced a thunderstorm, from the quiet of our house, after returning from King Burrito. We were able to give our children one of the first lessons in counting how close a storm is and tracking as it leaves with the seconds between lightening and thunder. With four adults and two kids getting excited over it, it was hard for the kiddos to be afraid.
Saturday night, however, Levi and I did not fair quite so well. When the play was over, we approached the back exit as the front was much too crowded. Like a good theater, we didn’t have access to light or any cues of what was happening outside. So, we were quite suprised to see torrential rain pouring out of the sky as we approached the exit. We decided to go back to the crowd to get another peak at El Zorrito. And, then, back to the exit to wait out the rain. Levi refused to walk out in the rain. We watched three groups of people courageously venture out into the downpour, and suddenly, Levi was ready.
We charged out teh door, held hands, and we ran. The puddles were immense! Rain, thunder, lightening, and it was only a block and a half to the car! The front tires were covered 12-18 inches in water, and the corner curbs were submerged in this mini flood. We got soaked. Our heads were soaked. Our shirts and sweaters were soaked. And, our pants were soaked mid-calf.
I suppose it’s no wonder we kept our tasks for Sunday and Monday to a dull roar. I’m not sure we have had such an adventurous Saturday, well not at least for a long time.