Levi is playing with his linguine. I am sitting here watching him. I am dictating this into my phone. I am using Siri.
I broke down. An offer was made. I went to the store with my friend, and I bought the iPhone.
Now, I sit here, and dictate this message into my phone. Blogging on a whole new level. I gaze around my kitchen. I’m looking at the things that need to be cleaned up. I am not at my computer. I am talking into my phone. I am having Siri transcribe my thoughts.
A commentary on a new world. It’s a commentary on the anthropomorphic relationship we have with our technology.
Levi is playing with his Knight Rider Lego, while it drives through the flour. What will technology look like when he’s 16? He will be five in February. 16 is only 11 years away. This iPhone is a version that has been created since 2007. After four years, Siri is reality. In 11 years what will it look like? In 11 years, what will the technology look like when Levi is ready to get his driver’s license?
Updated (late): The WordPress app (I’m assuming) posted this three times after claiming to fail, more than three. And, there was at least one word error I noticed rereading this, late. Regardless, I dictated just under 200 words with my technology as one would dictate into a dictaphone. I think that’s pretty cool.