Levi’s head has been hot, often, for the past two weeks. “Low-grade” fever is what I am calling it. Monday, our electronic Walgreen’s thermometer told us he rated at 99.3. He woke in the middle of the night for a potty break last night. Peter took him to the potty and reported, upon his return, that Levi’s head was hot. For my husband to say this, it is noteworthy. So, when we woke up this morning, the first thing I did was take his temperature. 100.3. I learned later that the 24 hour cut off for daycare is 101. But, over 100 — let’s not risk it. So, today I dosed him with Ibuprofen and enforced a nap, even though his mood and energy level were remarkable come mid-morning.
So, today was marked with working from home. Given Levi‘s quiet nature this morning, I was able to accomplish a few hours of work before his energy level ramped up. Once that happened, forced Legos on the floor was the choice activity. My dear husband misunderstood my conversational pleas and requested to come home early. Although I didn’t make the 20 mile trek out to work, I was able to squirrel away at a coffee shop for a few hours and peck away at some notes and figure out the laptop. All this on the heals of making 4 cups, cooked, rice and 6 loaves of bread the night before.
Every day, I link varied thoughts together as the hours tick by. I’ve always found themes and patterns in the daily goings on, but now that I am dedicated to posting something once a day — I am surprised at how the daily theme often alludes me. I know I have more creative juices flowing in the morning, but I’ve struggled with straightening out the morning routine.
The consistent quiet time comes at night. After the boys go to bed, I am able to have a few hours to myself to clean the kitchen, fold laundry, think about tomorrow, and ponder my day. When I’ve tried a month or so at a time to do this in the morning, interruptions were more common. Perhaps a night time routine is just par for the course given my life long ability to be a night owl and Levi’s penchant for night terrors from 18 months to 3 years (and still counting, though less frequently).
So, today’s theme is a theme of quiet surprise. I was not expecting to get anything done, let alone 8 actual work-from-home hours. The “new” girl at work is a lovely teammate, one of those lovely circumstances were you gel and see the common goal so you don’t have to argue about it. Sure, there might be differences on how you get to the common goal, but the goal is there: success. Today ricocheted off that morning get-up-and-go.
I write this now with a desire to switch this routine to a calmer, steadier morning routine. I would like the morning to look a little like this: get up, get husband out the door, drink coffee, munch on breakfast and … write. Write until the small fry wakes up, for hopefully an hour. From 5am to 6am, I want to be able to write, and read, and ponder. 6am-6:30am I would like to be centered around getting the small fry ready to that we may venture off to our day. I want to be able to drop him off at preschool, work out for an hour with cleanup, and start my day at work. I want my work day to start with reflection over the last day and week, to be able to adequately prepare for the following hours.
I am penning this to paper, so to speak. Let us see how this works.
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