What do we really know?

What do we really know?

“Can my husband call you and ask you his questions himself? I really won’t do your answers justice.” “He can, but he’d be better off calling the allergist directly. The allergist is a chatty guy and will likely give him the answers your...

Food Fads

When I was in high school, circa 1993 or 1994, someone did a study and they concluded that milk was bad for you. The conversations I remember having, around this study, concluded that everyone had a study for everything proving the other wrong. This was my...
What do we really know?

Beginning of the Summer Wine

Because we have to eat for life, why not enjoy it? This is only the beginning of the weekend. Lovely Summer Start barbecue this afternoon filled with delicious pulled pork, beans, cole slaw, quinoa salads, basil-tomato-mozzarella finger treats, cake, cake, cookies,...
What do we really know?

The Gift of Quiet

I was gifted quiet time today. I’ve written previously at my amazement with how much quiet time I need. I need to process. I need to think. I need to conjure new ideas. I need simple quiet. I need to have no interruptions. I need uninterrupted time to do all...