Stayed home from work and school today. Levi had the energy, but I did not. We’re both snotty and coughing. We took a four hour nap together. I wanted co-sleeping when he was an infant, and he didn’t. Now, I don’t and he does. It was sweet though, waking up with him snuggling my arm. At least he lays still, even if the getting to sleep is full of squirms. That’s all for today. Time for tea and bed.
Journey Home: Reflections from 10,000 Feet
As I sit on the plane, surrounded by the hum of the engine and the chill of the window, I can’t help but notice the person in front of me repeatedly adjusting their seat, each movement a grating assault on my laptop screen. The journey back to Portland, high above the clouds, prompts reflections on the comforts of home and the complexities of travel.