If you don’t want to tend to a compost pile, an easier way may be worms and Vermicomposting. You could start by calling your plant stores/nurseries and see if they have anything.
It was good timing then for the website! Check these sections out especially…
- http://www.tolmanguide.geog.pdx.edu/rainbarrels.htm
- http://www.tolmanguide.geog.pdx.edu/waterconservation.htm
- http://www.tolmanguide.geog.pdx.edu/composting.htm
This is a nifty set of pamphlets the NRCS put together…
University of Wisconsin did these, here’s a link to all sections which are formulated for the Midwest, especially Wisconsin/Michigan along the lakeshore. You should be able to download all the info. They changed it slightly in the 2 years since I initially found it – but all the info should be there.